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Dried Geckos

Dried Geckos

Detailed Description


        A gecko product is the Latin dry gecko (gecko Linnaeus), a type of gecko species. Geckos can be caught and found year-round. The finished product is that all the innards must be taken out and washed. Then spread the gecko using bamboo. Keep the gecko's entire body spread straight out and dry at low temperatures.



Traditional Chinese Medicine provides ready-to-use medicines.

        • After cleaning Remove the bamboo, cut off the head and tail and cut into small pieces. Bring to a boil with other medicinal ingredients in the medicinal pot.

        • Take the bamboo out of the gecko. Scrub and clean the gecko. Then cut off the legs and head of the gecko. (Start cutting from the gecko's eyes.) Place the gecko on the grate and use a low heat to grill. Repeat the grilling and spraying with alcohol several times, then let the gecko cool down and grind it into a powder. Mix the ground gecko powder with water.

        • Stir the gecko to heat and mix it with the hot sand. Stir the hot sand back and forth until the gecko turns yellow and crispy. Then scoop it up. ground into powder Then bring gecko powder that has been ground and mixed with water.

        • The cleaned gecko is placed in liquid alcohol and shaken daily like a winemaking process. After leaving it and settling for several months You can drink that gecko wine if the color of the gecko wine is not too dark.


Chinese medicine production process using gecko as an ingredient.

        The gecko must be purified and ground into a powder and then mixed with other raw materials to form a Chinese medicine. For example, add Gejie, Dingchuan Pill, Yifei Capsule, and mix with gecko wine, etc.


Properties of geckos and how to use them.

        • It can nourish the lungs and kidneys. Improves the respiratory system and treats respiratory allergies and helps strengthen the weak lungs and kidneys. Treatment of dyspnea or cough until blood comes out as well as the weakness of sperm in the body.

0.00 THB
Original Place:
Nakhon Phanom
Brand Name:
Home Commerce
Last Update:
22 December 2022
Dried Geckos dried gecko earthworm dried earthworm abrus cantoniensis hance jigucao โฮมพาณิชย์
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